Manos de Cristo

Volunteer to Assist Trainers During Dementia Live Demonstrations

Volunteer to Assist Trainers During Dementia Live Demonstrations

6 Volunteers Needed

The Memory Caregiver Academy of Austin ( is a new, small, nonprofit organization that has been generously supported by WHPC. This group provides training in dementia care to young people in low-income schools across Austin. Our organization is currently looking for some additional volunteers. We have recently added another training tool called, “Dementia Live”, which teaches students how it feels to have dementia. We are looking for about 6 new volunteers who would be willing to assist the trainers during Dementia Live demonstrations. This would take about 1 ½ hours of your time. It is certainly not necessary, but anyone who speaks Spanish would be extra helpful! If you have any questions, please call Debbie Wilder at 512-965-6262.

Deliver Food to Manos de Cristo

Deliver Food to Manos de Cristo

Manos De Christo receives some of their food for their pantry from the Central Texas Food Bank.  We are looking for a volunteer who can pick up this food on the third Wednesday of the month and deliver it to Manos De Christo.  This role requires the ability to lift heavy grocery items.  This volunteer will have help loading and unloading the items at each location, but a second volunteer to ride along is recommended. 


Donate Food with Manos de Cristo

Donate Food with Manos de Cristo

On the second Sunday of each month we pass out Blue Bags with a grocery list.  Church members fill these bags with the grocery items and return them to the church. The bags are then delivered to the food pantry at Manos where it is handed out to the vulnerable who visit Manos de Christo seeking aid.

Sign up for our weekly E-NEWS for the monthly list of items to donate.